
电子邮件: jbaum@yildizsozluk.net

哲学: I believe that every student should have the right to learn in a fun and safe environment. My job is to make sure that you will learn automotive technology theory, hands on experience, ethical business practices, and a confident approach to automotive repair. Part of what I am trying to do is make you excited about returning to class each day. I introduce you to real world experiences and a realistic view of what it will be 比如在汽车维修行业工作. 我们试图模仿汽车工业 尽可能地接近. 当你完成这个程序时,你应该很熟悉了 从事这个行业的日常工作. 你将为进入这个行业做好准备 作为入门级技术人员,服务顾问或零件技术人员.

工作经验: 我成年后一直在汽车行业工作. 我工作过 1981年至1997年在通用汽车经销商工作. 我在阿拉米达县公共工程公司工作 三年,Wyo-Tech两年. 我是雪佛兰卡迪拉克的高级技师 Gold Technician, Hendrick Master Technician, ASE Master Technician, MACS Certified Instructor, and a California State Certified Journey Level Automotive Technician.

电子邮件: kshadbolt@yildizsozluk.net


我一直在车里motive industry since 1985 as a technician and educator.

As a technician, 我工作过 in both dealerships and independents, primarily on 欧洲汽车. 我也有店铺管理、配件、收银、发货等方面的经验 服务顾问.

As an educator, prior to coming to “大学, I had the pleasure to work with students at Mission Valley ROP, WyoTech / Sequoia Institute, BMW of North America, 和MINI USA. I have been a Director of Education, overseeing and developing educational WyoTech的项目. 我也在课堂上为其他教育工作者提供指导 管理及课程发展.

As an instructor for BMWNA, I have provided instruction for dealership technicians, graduate level students on BMW and MINI, and BMW Level III training programs. 我们的 training covered the technical and soft-skills necessary to be successful in today’s 汽车工业. 我也为其他讲师提供宝马技术方面的培训.


  • Bachelor of Science in Higher Education Management, Florida Metropolitan University
  • 红杉研究院汽车技术应用科学副研究员
  • WyoTech汽车技术专业毕业
  • 宝马制造培训
  • 沃尔沃制造培训


  • 拥有一级汽车技师证书
  • 移动空调协会(MACS)认证讲师
  • 加州高级烟雾技术员
  • BMW认证服务商
  • 加州汽车维修局认证培训讲师

Erich Bass-Werner
电话: 510.723.7179

I come from a family with a long tradition of automotive service technicians and shop 主人. I worked as a professional engineer, a grand-master automotive service technician, 主技术员,车间领班和现场服务经理. 我一直在车里 repair business since 1985 (even earlier, if I count the years helping my father in 当我还是个少年的时候,他的商店). 因为我在工作,所以我对这个行业非常了解 在过去的35年里,在汽车行业.

During my years working in the trade, I trained technicians, apprentices, service advisors, and technical instructors; the auto repair industry was the right choice 为我和一个成功的努力.

In late 2018 I was presented with the opportunity to teach, so I decided to try it as I am getting ready to complete my career at Mercedes-Benz; I am now a full-time 查伯特学院的汽车技术讲师,我很享受这份工作.


  • 专业工程师(MSEE, BSEE)
  • Certified Professional Automotive Service Technician (Canada Inter-Provincial Red 密封)
  • ASE高级技术员(G1, A1-A8, L1)
  • 先进汽车电子认证(BOSCH)
  • 获得高级汽车诊断认证(BOSCH)
  • 通用汽车大师技师
  • 通用汽车车间领班
  • BMW认证技师
  • 宝马车间领班
  • 梅赛德斯-奔驰认证技师
  • 奔驰车间领班
  • 技术培训师
  • 技术指导
  • 认证不列颠哥伦比亚省机动车安全检查员
  • 认证不列颠哥伦比亚省废气排放检查员(Aircare)


  • 前景高中-汽车计划
  • 密歇根理工大学-学士学位.S. 电气工程(电子、电路 & 系统、计算机工程) 
  • 佛罗里达中部大学- B.S. & M.S. 电气工程(电子、动力)
  • 中佛罗里达技术学院-先进汽车技术
  • 哈考特学习直接-电子
  • 克利夫兰电子研究所-先进汽车电子
  • 博世培训中心-认证博世汽车技师
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology - General Motors Automotive Service Educational 程序
  • 路虎大学
  • 宝马大学培训
  • 梅赛德斯-奔驰(mercedes - benz)大学


  • SAE
  • IEEE
  • iATN


我在12岁的时候就开始和父亲一起设计汽车. 我加入了美国军队 并于1979年完成了1年的汽车及柴油培训. 我最终还是结束了 up specializing in gasoline engines and power trains while in the military for 4 years. 1986年,我进入红杉学院,全职上课. 我完成了 program in 1986 and worked at my first job for two years as a lube/smog tech at Oil 并最终管理了我自己的位置.
I worked for Grand Auto for two years as a smog technician and then eventually managed 我自己的位置. 从那里我去了蒙哥马利·沃德医院,在那里住了10年. I was a lead smog technician then worked a s a regional trainer for 8 locations. 我专业 在雾霾故障和驾驶性能诊断. 
I was an independent contractor for two years and performed drivability diagnosis 几家商店包括:

  • 保证消声器和刹车和汽车
  • 标志变速箱和汽车维修
  • 阿马拉尔的消声器和汽车维修
  • 海湾城市汽车拍卖
  • 卡特的散热器和汽车维修
  • 鲍勃维修服务

I eventually started teaching full time for Eden Area ROP in Hayward, Ca since June of 2004. I started teaching part time for “大学 in Hayward, ca in 2002008.

  • A1发动机维修 
  • A2自动变速器/驱动桥 
  • A4悬挂和转向 
  • A5刹车 
  • A6电气/电子系统 
  • A8发动机性能 
  • L1汽车高级发动机性能专家


我是ASCCA的 & 猫. 我积极参加SkillsUSA组织 与Eden ROP和Chabot学院合作. 自1994年以来,我一直是一名武术教练 从1974年开始就是这个班的学生.

电子邮件: esnider@yildizsozluk.net

我一生中大部分时间都在汽车周围工作. 我的正规教育是 auto mechanics started back in 1973 when I attended high school auto shop, and has 一直延续至今. 高中毕业后,我参加了通用技术学院 凤凰阿兹. 我的第一份汽车维修工作是在阿科加油站. 我开始工作 1978年,他在一家沃尔沃经销店担任汽车技术员.

In 1979 我开始工作 at a large Olds, Honda, Jeep and DeLorean dealership in 格兰岱尔市阿兹. 我非常喜欢在本田汽车上工作,所以我决定专攻本田 Technician and worked as a Honda Master Technician at dealerships for over 25 years. During my career as a Honda Master Technician I participated in the Honda Top Tech contest five years in a row and received national recognition from Honda as one of 1992年的前20名本田技师.

2003年,我开始向宝马传授新技术和维修程序.T.E.P的学生 以及宝马经销商技术人员.

I started as an 汽车技术 Instructor (adjunct) here at “大学 in 2011. My first assignment was to help 25 displaced NUMMI workers gain the knowledge 以及进入汽车维修行业所需的技能.


  • 本田技师证书
  • ASE主技术员/ L1认证
  • 宝马认证
  • 苹果认证
  • 加州EA烟雾技术员

The automobiles we have today have developed into very complicated machines that require 修理工不断地教育他们.

电子邮件: skay@yildizsozluk.net

史蒂夫·凯于2016年加入“大学的汽车工作人员. 他目前也是 on the Automotive 工作人员 for Mission Valley ROP, teaching at James Logan High School 在联合城. 在加入这两个项目之前,他. 凯在怀俄泰工作 位于弗里蒙特. Mr. 凯于2003年开始在那里担任指导员,并在接下来的时间里 12 years saw his way to Lead Instructor, Department Chair, Assistant Director of Education, Director of Education, and also served as Interim President for a short time. 当 他加入了红杉研究所(Sequoia Institute),后来成为了Wyotech. 凯带来了25个 years of knowledge and experience as a small business owner in Fremont specializing 修理本田和讴歌汽车. Mr. Kay拥有商学硕士学位 Administration and has been an ASE Certified Master Mechanic since 1988, as well as 在雾霾项目中获得认证的州讲师. 除了满足他的激情 随着汽车的不断发展,汽车和技术的发展. 凯是个狂热的人。 他是一名户外运动爱好者,在他的名字上加上了猎人教育讲师的头衔. 在他空闲的时候 时间,先生. Kay has been an active member in the Elks Lodge for over 25 years, holding many positions currently serving as a Trustee, multiple Committee Chair Positions 还有几个地区的职位. 这还不够吗. 目前凯 在弗里蒙特担任高中足球教练. Mr. 凯为社区服务 as a Scout Master, Cub Master, Den Leader, baseball coach, football coach, Board member for Youth Baseball programs, member of CYO Board of Directors, Booster Club President, 并在许多其他帮助青年的委员会任职. 所有的活动 Mr. Kay has been involved in, his biggest accomplishment has been as a family man. He has been married for over 35 years and has two sons, both of whom have coached and one currently still does coach with him, and both share the love of the outdoors and have followed the lead of the dad to be very actively involved in giving back 致社会